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12 Things Insights Teams Can Do to Start 2021

Sarah Wiggins December 14, 2020


Happy Holidays from the Stravito team! We’ve put together this list of activities to help you close out the year with a clear mind and start 2021 with a fresh perspective.  

1. Declutter 

Your desktop and your desk. Tidying up can help remove unnecessary distractions, allowing you to focus on what really matters. 


2. Make room

Take some time to examine the chat threads, email subscriptions, and social media accounts you follow. Are there any that have stopped bringing you inspiration? If so, click unfollow or unsubscribe. 


3. Update

Check for any available updates for your operating system or relevant apps. Regular updates are an important part of maintaining security and functionality. 


4. Unread no more

Aim to get your unread emails to as close to 0 as possible. And if you’re feeling particularly bold, experiment with turning off your notifications and only checking your email at certain times of the day. 


5. Stat-isfaction

What can you learn or take away from the numbers? Spend some time looking at relevant real time stats in your analytics tools or dashboards. 


6. The time is now

Is there something that’s been on your To-Read, To-Watch, or To-Listen list for too long? Today is the day to make it happen. 


7. Start listening

Do you typically get knowledge from written sources? Try a relevant podcast or audiobook. See how it feels to consume information in a different way. 


8. Stay curious

It’s easy to stick to the same topic or genre. Instead of reaching for more of the same, choose an article, podcast, or book that is about something completely different. 


9. Be free

Try freewriting to see what ideas might be just beneath the surface. Think about your latest business challenge, and write without judgment for 10-15 minutes. 


10. Get moving

Take a working walk. Whether that’s a regular meeting, a brainstorming session, or just giving some attention to your latest ideas. 


11. Reflect

What is something you’ve learned this year at work? Pause for a moment to look back, and decide what you want to take with you into the coming year.


12. No work, all play

Take some time to not think about work at all–even if it’s just 30 minutes. Give your brain a break to let it process and generate new ideas.